Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stefan Sagmeister Interview

How does this design fit in with your style as a whole?

Considering that we don't really have a house style, it fits in splendidly.

What is your design philosophy?

In general, I am still mostly concerned with design that has the ability to touch the viewers’ heart. We see so much professionally done and well-executed graphic design around us, beautifully illustrated and masterfully photographed. Nevertheless, almost all of it leaves me (and I suspect many other viewers) cold. There is just so much fluff: well-produced, tongue-in-cheek, pretty, fluff. Nothing that moves you, nothing to think about. Some is informing, but still all fluff.
Our goal for the future will be to touch somebody's heart with design.

What do you think about before embarking on a project?
Every project is so different; it would be impossible to say what I think before I embark on it. I also would be bored to tears if I'd know in advance.

What is your favourite type of design project to work on? Collaboration, album artwork, poster...?
A good project (with a proper deadline and budget,) for a good client (kind and smart people) and a good product/program (that is worthwhile to do).

How has your style evolved during your career?
I went from trying hard to have no style, to allowing myself to have one glimpsing through here and there.

Example ~Nice ~ Hand Burger

Example given by mr Leng Huat

 This is an example how a food brand play around with hand craft paper
with the paper making buger- show that they put alot of Thoughts into the burger
The philosophy already show in the logo
beside all the paper craft - the logo
The Hand Burger

wow~~~thats cool~ effective~ how the designer apply thing that we might not think about before
style that are very different from other food brand

Self promote

what a interesting topic given - Self promote - Is quit easy that everyone has their style and strengh
Humm~~~ this make me headic, what style i actually have? thinking thinking ~~ am i really have?

After so many hour i think - thanks to some of my friend give me example what i good at
there are ( character design, cute stuff, interaction pop-up, branding- actually 1st time i touch brand, etc)

Humm~~~have to think deeper what i really good at and what i really like- is that style refect me?

With all the style i have - How do i promote myself????????????????????????????

After tutorial with Mr Leng Huat,
what i get is
- I have to find somthing relate me (my personality)
    Example: A people who like o help people- Can apply the cross hsape or moon as logo
                  Kampung boy? City Boy? - play with some element refect ur lifestyle
- Choose certain previous project that reflect me
- Promotional "Pack"?
          Box? CD? Packaging? Book?
          (if can dun have fix format, as a designer should have something  different)
- Package = will led audience to ur website?

If i am very good in computer skill - 70% put on web, 30% put on 3D stuff
If i am not good in computer skill - 70% put in 3D (hand making stuff), 30% put in website

Research different designer- how they find their style? what are their philosophy? the way they present them.

What is my strength and weakness - dun apply weakness on ur project

Their are still many thing i hearn from tutorial cant stated all ~ This is how sketchbook work

Monday, January 11, 2010

last group discussion

this is the last meeting in group D, after this will be the dead9....presentation
just finish practice the speech from powerpoint...so tired wanna sleep, 2morrow we have to meet with other for the final practice at 8 am...wish us luck

2day we meet at MCD....lyndy was lock in her house =.=''hehe
zhen was having luch with his :"Girl friends"
during the meeting which we finalise out concept board, mood board and site map board...we actually poke alot of fun....this project i learn quit alot of thing....

Erm....what i had learn...?
i learn english from my groupmate....i learn illustraction skill...flash tips and many more that cant express with word

thanks guys.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

moment in KL

Saturday, January 9, 2010

meeting in class sathurday

just finish meeting with zhen kuan and krystal
lyndy feeling not well
meeting content
combine all group member sketchbook
discuss power point content
discuss concept board, sitemap and moodbaord

Friday, January 8, 2010


Logo choosen- have to develop

9th Group meeting minute ~ yumm~ mango passion

9th Group meeting minute

Zhen Kuan
Lay huey

Meeting Content
∆ Final discussion about website
∆ Website layout discussion
∆ Feedback from Mr. Sean
∆ add the intro page/ loading page- give audience a overall what our website about
∆ beware of presentation- is important everyone say something and use word carefully
∆ usage of cup if can apply for web is good
∆ touch sketchbook
∆ sitemap
∆ Mood board style apply for the website 12 different cup (brush)

Conclusion for today meeting
∆ Mood board style apply for the website 12 different cup (brush)
∆ touch up sketchbook
∆ lay huey- continue the website+ the loading page
∆ wendy- group sketchbook in charge, sitemap board
∆ Krystal- add the introduction for the loading page, rough PowerPoint
∆ Everyone have to print out everything (research, sketch and blog)

Next Meeting (presentation)
∆ Combine sketchbook
∆ PowerPoint
∆practice presentation and divided speech

old town meeting~ yummy

8th Group meeting minute

Zhen Kuan
Lay huey

Meeting Content
∆ Share work we have done
∆ Website layout discussion
∆ change some template about the website
∆ roll over effect cup- shaking + sound
∆ Clip effect- diary effect, doodle
∆ Website transition and effect
∆ Logo decided
∆ Apply different job for each member
∆ Mood board style and technique- sticker, pop-up (represent the website rollover shaking effect)
∆ Improve doodle
∆ Discuss on splash – shout out
∆ continue to develop idea

Conclusion for today meeting
∆ Job been apply to different member
∆ Come out the final idea for the website adding effect and share idea
∆ related the 12 cup to its particular
∆ Every member have to upload personal description to blog

Next Meeting
∆ Mood board
∆ touch up sketchbook

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

personal description

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

me and my MUG

A mug start up its own journey with me, when she born with a lot of candy and wrapping by a beautiful ribb on, and slowly she accompany me all the time with me enjoy tea time, it contain Milo and her best friend is biscult, after accident, her teeth broken, and now she become my bank which help me to same my money

Saturday, January 2, 2010

MooD BoArD

water splash effect for the cup

This surpose to upload fews day agao, but that is some problem about my network, so it is a late coming work.

Cuptizen logo tryout

Cuptizen, is a word that combine the cup and the citizen- KL city
so i wanna try to design my logo that focus on the "U" which it look like the shape of a cup, beside that, i try to use the stroke brush which look very free style, this related to our concept, the sketches and doodle style, and also try to related it to the KL, which make me think about the buliding, so just give a hand and try for it to make some word into a building.