Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stefan Sagmeister Interview

How does this design fit in with your style as a whole?

Considering that we don't really have a house style, it fits in splendidly.

What is your design philosophy?

In general, I am still mostly concerned with design that has the ability to touch the viewers’ heart. We see so much professionally done and well-executed graphic design around us, beautifully illustrated and masterfully photographed. Nevertheless, almost all of it leaves me (and I suspect many other viewers) cold. There is just so much fluff: well-produced, tongue-in-cheek, pretty, fluff. Nothing that moves you, nothing to think about. Some is informing, but still all fluff.
Our goal for the future will be to touch somebody's heart with design.

What do you think about before embarking on a project?
Every project is so different; it would be impossible to say what I think before I embark on it. I also would be bored to tears if I'd know in advance.

What is your favourite type of design project to work on? Collaboration, album artwork, poster...?
A good project (with a proper deadline and budget,) for a good client (kind and smart people) and a good product/program (that is worthwhile to do).

How has your style evolved during your career?
I went from trying hard to have no style, to allowing myself to have one glimpsing through here and there.


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