Thursday, December 31, 2009

meeting content

Meeting Content

∆ Share work we have done

∆ come out the final idea for the website layout

∆ come out the title for the website (Cuptizen)

∆ Choose the 12 KL city life and related it to it particular cup

∆ Correct the website page ( Change idea which we decided to put the paper effect as the


6. discuss the usage animation that suitable

∆ Apply different job for each member

∆ Krystal – Typography + Copywriting

∆ Wendy – mood board + water splash

∆ Zhen Kuan – illustration

∆ Lay Huey – website, the flash effect

∆ Each member have to come out at least some LOGO sketch

Conclusion for today meeting

∆ Job been apply to different member

∆ Come out the final idea for the website which is the sketchbook, paper, clip effect

∆ Related the 12 cup to its particular

∆ The rollover effect for the sound (shaking + sound)


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