Monday, December 14, 2009

what a lazy day

just come back from college.... 2day we have such a long time meething...for morning section we have our meething in McD...hehe...while eating while discuss and chatting,..hehe...we finally apply job for every group member, each of us get 3 item....3 different characteristic....i quit happy that krystal come and join us, she seen quit ok, but i can see in deeper she still cannot let it go, time will make her feel batter, all we need is TIME....WELCOM BACK KRYSTAL....we meet jasmine, amir, eliot and iman...hehe
after lunch we go back studio to discuss further our planing through the week, which WED we will have photo shooting in college in the morning and afternoon after krystal workshop we go together to KL...than we have a finalising meeting after that, further discuss and apply job, and thursday we will have a meeting in the morning and afternoon tutorial= Hope everything going ok....after tutorial, we will depand what mr sean say and than we will have a meeting and apply job for everyone and we will go for 1 week holiday, of course within the 1 week holiday, we need to finish all our own job, and we will come back on 28th december to combine all the thing together, and correct everything...


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